Five Flags Amateur Radio Association is an integral part of Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties Emergency Management Organizations. AREC members have been a visual and contributing force to the overall Emergency Management in Escambia and surrounding counties.
Countless volunteers from the FFARA and AREC members have been placed in a position with the Escambia Emergency Operations Center that we have room at the EOC dedicated to communications handled by Amateur Radio Operators anytime we are called into service. As we are located right on the Gulf Coast of Florida, we have been well utilized the last several years providing communications during Hurricane's including Ivan, Dennis and Katrina providing the only communication available in many cases to coordinate Emergency Liaisons between the EOC and the many shelters manned by our volunteers during these disasters.
We are proof that Amateur Radio can and does make a difference when called upon. We are very proud of our members and other volunteers who have contributed countless man hours in the most extreme conditions to provide a service that only Amateur Radio can fill.